Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Human Cloning Should be Stopped

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
I am expecting you very much to imagine this story. When I was in junior high school, my biology teacher taught about cloning. At that time he told us that cloning system could help people to treat disease. He gave the example for my friends and me that cloning for mouse is successful.

Goresan Tak Bertuan

Kisah ini berlalu dalam ikatan waktu, beralur membujur tak menahu. Ronanya kian membisu dan selalu terbungkam waktu.

Tiga tahun lamanya aku terpaut pada sesosok manusia yang entah kenapa mampu membuat ku tertegun tatkala dihadapannya. Aku yang kala itu tak bergeming untuk tetap mengaguminya, padahal embun yang menetes saat fajar itu pun tahu aku hanyalah debu dan bayangan dihadapannya. Buliran gerimis selalu membuatku ingat pada tiap senyumannya.

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Divorce is The Worst Choice in Married Life

I would like to share my experience. When I was 8 years old, I got bad experience in my life. Suddenly, my father left home and he didn’t back to home until a week. Then I asked to my mom about it, she only told me that my father visited to his parent’s house. Absolutely I though same as like my mom talked about.  A week ago my father also didn’t come back. I felt that something happened in my family. Then until one day in the afternoon my uncle asked me to go to his house. I found my father in there. He was crying when he looked at me. I was only a child that I could not think the real problems.  It was my last day to saw my father. Ten years until today I never looked at him. When I was in Junior High School I’ve already known that my parents were divorce. Since the day that I known the fact, I was really beaten. I could not believe that they had different life. I am disappointed at home. No one can make me happy. So I need to hang out with my friends although I have to leave the class and I am often lying with my mom. A rounding in life, I did not care with someone who he/she was care to me. I felt that they only gave imitation care. So, what are the advantages of divorce? I strongly believe that divorce is the worst choice in married life.

Light of Star

Satu cara, satu makna, satu rasa
pada satu bintang yang mengerlipkan cahaya
dalam maya nan bersahaja

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

The Advantages of Avocado

Oral Cancer Defense
Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados are able to seek out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells.

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Biography of Albert Einsten

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.

During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time,

The Magic of Thinking Big

Membaca itu butuh perjuangan. Itu yang saya rasakan. Walaupun banyak slogan yang mengatakan "Bacalah Buku Seperti Kau Makan" tetap saja saya belum bisa menerapkannya. Ya, setidaknya Saya sudah mencoba untuk membiasakannya. Target 100 Buku sampai akhir tingkat 3 itu harus Saya capai! Nah, sampai saat ini Saya sudah membaca 3 buku, haha..masih jauh rek! Disini Saya ingin menceritakan mengenai buku yang luar biasa, The Magic of Thinking Big, karyanya Dr. David J. Schwart.